Thursday, February 27, 2014

NightScape Survey

Milky Way over Grand Canyon ~ © Royce Bair
Into the Night Photography Blog -
In an effort to improve this Night Photography blog, we ask you to take the following two polls (takes about 15 seconds for each):

How often do you visit this night photography blog?  < < < Click to see current results of the survey and to take the poll yourself.
  • Never (this is my first visit).
  • About once a month or less.
  • About once a week.
  • Multiple times a week.

How can we increase your visits to this blog?  (Multiple answers are allowed.)
Click title to see current results of the survey and to take the poll yourself.
  • Publish new posts every day (instead of once or twice a week).
  • Post more "Photo of the Day" features. (Example)
  • Post more in-depth articles about night photographers. (Example)
  • Post more technical, how-to articles. (Example)
  • Post more equipment and software reviews. (Example)
  • Other (come back here and leave your comments below).
Thank You!

Milky Way over Teton Range (with light painted foreground) ~ © Royce Bair
- Into the Night Photography Blog -

Royce's 2014 Workshop, Lecture & Video Conference Schedule:
  -  25% OFF savings on select "IMAGE10" workshops booked before April 1, 2014  -


  1. Post more technical articles does not seem to be one of the choices for the survey. It's personally the one I would be likely to return for.

    1. Thanks for bringing that error to my attention, Aaron! I re-did the survey question and added that answer choice (and transferred all the votes). At the moment, "Post more equipment and software reviews" is leading, but it probably received some of the "technical, how-to" votes because no one could find it on the list!

  2. HI Royce,
    I really enjoyed your visit to St George last week and I hope you did too! So much excellent information but at my age the absorption rate was a tad dimished ha ha.
    I was interested to note your May visit to Watchman for your workshop there and wondered if the Milky Way in the South over Watchman would be visible for much longer after your visit.
    I have Aussie friends coming to Vegas for that week so timing is a bit off.
    I thought of taking a few days in Zion from the 1st May.
    Do you think I would see much then.
    I did look at Stellarium on your advice but I haven't figured it out yet.
    Thanks again for an excellent seminar.
    Thomas Whipp
